Il presente sito, curato dall'Avv. Giancarlo P. Pezzuti non costituisce in alcun modo un mezzo di pubblicità occulta o palese, bensì un mero servizio di informazione sulla attività professionale dello stesso, secondo correttezza e verità, nel rispetto della dignità e del decoro della professione e degli obblighi di segretezza e di riservatezza, così come disposto dal Codice Deontologico Forense vigente.
This website is merely informative. The Italian law doesn't allow to report the main cases treated by the office, not even with the consent of the clients. Nevertheless if you have any question, don't hesitate to contact us.

    Born and raised in Napoli, at 23 he graduated in law at the University Federico II of Naples, and clerked at the criminal law firm "Pietro Costa". In the same period, he cultivated collaborations with the legal office of ARCI NA, coordinated by the lawyer Liana Nesta, and with other associations and ONG such as Legambiente, LOC, Charitas, Manitese, Amnesty International, Emergency, Senegalese Association of Naples.
    In 2000 he has been admitted in the Napoli Bar Association.
    In 2001, the Superior Council of Magistracy has appointed him "Honorary prosecutor" and he is currently employed as a Public Prosecutor at the Courts of Ischia and Capri. This activity has allowed him to develop procedural and technical competence beside a remarkable maturity and amassed a wealth of criminal court experience particularly in the trials concerning urban and / or environmental crimes.
    He taught at training centers and institutes of higher education. He sued the Italian government at the European Court of Human Rights, denouncing, in particular, the prisoner's conditions in jails and the unfair trials.
    He is a member of the IBAHRI (International Bar Association's Human Rights Institute), that sends independent experts to observe trials around the world to encourage compliance with fair trial standards and monitor and report upon legal proceedings. He had experiences as a volunteer in Former Yugoslavia, Cuba, Guatemala.
    In 2000 he took part at the 2nd National Seminar "Operators of humanitarian emergency" organized by the "ASI" in collaboration with UNHCR and the Department of Italian Civil Protection.
    In July 2000 he has participated, as an observer, at the Intergovernmental Conference in Rome on the establishment of the "International Criminal Court" and in 2001 at the Strategy Meeting of the "Task Force" for the establishment of the International Criminal Court, organized by "No Peace Without Justice."
    In 2001 he has founded, and was member of the the Executive Board, of the "Forensic Institute for the Defense of Human Rights", at the Bar Association of Naples.
    He co-founded the association "Divenire" and the Cooperative "Novalis" to support kids at risk of delinquency. In 2008 he founded the Association VOLODIRITTO, for the protection of human rights, and he is its current secretary. He also is a member of the cooperative "'E pappece" in Naples, for international cooperation and fair trade, and also is a member of SCI (Civil Service International).
    He has participated in meetings on the issues of pacifism, social emargination, immigration, juvenile delinquency.

    He is a current member of the American Society of Criminology, and of the NIABA (National Italian American Bar Association).
    He is applicant lawyer at the State Bar of California

    Giancarlo P. Pezzuti brings nearly 15 years of criminal law experience to his defense practice. Over the course of his career, he has handled hundreds of cases, most of them felony trials in Napoli area.
    The Pezzuti Law Firm is dedicated to providing professional, client friendly, aggressive, effective, and affordable legal representation and assistance in Criminal & Immigration Law.
    He handled cases concerning organized crimes (mafia, camorra), murderers, international drug trafficking, intra-family assaults, stalking, sexual harassment, environmental crimes, crimes against property, bankruptcy, prisoner's rights.
    With regard to immigration we help employers seeking to obtain visas for their workers, and help people sponsors their relatives. Our law firm is committed to making a positive difference in the lives of all those seeking justice and fairness within the legal system.
    We can handle your legal situation with excellence and professionalism. We are very familiar and experienced with the emotional and financial stress most legal issues involve.

    The firm specializes in providing expert legal advices and protecting the rights of individuals facing criminal charges or supporting victims of crimes in all Italian Courts
    To achieve the favorable outcomes our clients deserve, our work interacts with experts and specialists. We consult with investigators, forensic scientists, medical experts and others to build strong cases that can result in not-guilty verdicts, and/or large insurance settlements.
    Skillful representation is provided from the earliest stages of the criminal process through to trial, with an emphasis on client service, professionalism, and zealous advocacy. Every case receives special attention and every available resource is utilized in order to ensure positive results for the client. Counsel's combination of knowledge, experience, and dedication provide for the highest quality legal representation possible.
    We can keep you informed and in control of your case. All cases are different. We will gain a full understanding of your particular situation during a free initial consultation.
    Our approach to resolve your problem is balanced, and we examine your case thoroughly. We will discuss your legal options and the strategies we can put into action.

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